Sunday, December 14, 2008

5 Tips To Help Your Bank Account Survive the Holiday Season in Uncertain Economic Times

At this time of economic uncertainty, probably the last thing many of us want to think about is the approach of the season when we tend to spend more money than any other time of year. With the way the unemployment rate, stock market and other sources of income and investment have been headed, many of us are struggling to make ends meet with our regular expenses, without adding in all the special extras that accompany the holiday season.
Between travel expenditures to see family, gifts for loved ones, large family dinners and elaborate decorations, the additional expenditures we’ll encounter over the next few weeks are enough to throw our budgets out of control. But who wants to think about monetary difficulties at this festive time of year? With the stress so many Americans are facing, the holiday season may be just what we need to restore spirits and rejuvenate ourselves for the approaching new year. So how do we find a balance?

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