Monday, January 19, 2009

Full Moon in Taurus Nov. 13, 2008

Tomorrow’s full Moon at 21 degrees of Taurus makes a T-square to the Sun/Mercury/Mars lineup in Scorpio and the Aquarius stellium of Neptune, North Node, and Chiron in the sky. Expect further dissolution of hard assets.
I pointed this out back in September, but it bears repeating: This full Moon activates the inception chart of the New York Stock Exchange, so be ready for further damage in the equities market.
Indeed, the Dow Jones industrial average closed down 410 points, to the 8,283 level on Nov. 12, after Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced that under the $700 billion “mother of all bailouts,” the government will not purchase troubled assets after all.
Hey, remember how the Troubled Asset Relief Program, also known as TARP, was announced during a Mercury retrograde? No surprise that it’s being rejiggered, no doubt for the best.
On a personal level, this full Moon, which occurs at 1:19 a.m. Eastern time, could bring to fruition some new creative plan that you’ve been working on or the resolution of a real estate or business matter.
Mars in the last degrees of Scorpio is past an opposition to the full Moon, but it’s still within orb in my book. Upsetting information about debt or declining asset values could be revealed tonight.
You may not like what you see when you open up your portfolio statement for the month of October. Another scenario is that the local township has raised taxes on your house, even though it’s falling in value.

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